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A risk-first approach to income – BGF Global Multi-Asset Income Fund Securing the income you need is more challenging than ever before. In this ongoing low interest rate environment, investors have found they may need to take on additional risks to achieve desirable levels of yield1. The BGF Global Multi-Asset Income Fund takes a risk-first approach in
2021 GLOBAL OUTLOOK A new investment order Preparing for higher inflation Rising inflation in the medium term is core to our investment views, but we believe this will have very different effects than in the past. The “new nominal” is not simply about our expectation for a higher inflation regime in the next five years.
As a leading global asset manager we are dedicated to creating long-term value for our clients. The investment needs of our stakeholders are at the heart of what we do. We offer a full range of investment solutions, as well as the very highest level of service and support. We recognise that the investment landscape
Aligning our brand with those who share our values and ambition helps us to strengthen and build our business around the world. It is also one of the ways that we are able to support the communities in which we operate. Our partnerships reflect our belief in continuous development, performance and sustainable growth – and